Wednesday 16 January 2013

Brand New Valentine's Print in Ryantown This Weekend

We are incurable romantics at Ryantown - and Rob's beautiful new print for St. Valentine's Day is sure to warm more than a few hearts this year. Available in the shop this weekend, the prints are priced at £150 each.

There is no such thing as free time
There is no such thing as work time
There is no such thing as play time
There is no such thing as down time
There is no such thing as spare time
There is no such thing as quality time
There is no such thing as the right time
There is no such thing as the wrong time

There is only time.

The rarest and most precious gift I can give you seems to be the one thing I never have enough to spare, but I promise to give you as much as I have and will make even more + more to give you. Can these seconds and minutes slowly grow into hours and days and perhaps weeks, months and years? In the name of St. Valentine can you be mine? 14th February 2013.

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